About Tineke Timmerman

Welcome to my portfolio

I’m an experienced Front-End Developer, UI Developer and Accessibility Developer with a passion for creating seamless, inclusive digital experiences. My journey in tech spans over 15 years, blending innovative design with technical skills to enhance user interaction across various digital platforms.

Illustration of Tineke Timmerman

Professional Path and Vision

In 2023 I was tasked with enhancing an application’s accessibility. Even though it always has been part of developing, this experience urged me to delve deeper into this field for two key reasons:

  1. Anticipation of the European Accessibility Act 2025
  2. Desire to Make Technology Accessible for All

To achieve these goals, I’ve enriched my expertise through targeted accessibility courses while simultaneously refreshing my skills in JavaScript and Angular, while continuing growing my Design System expertise adding Storybook to my skill set.

Creative Philosophy and Methodology

Inspired by the concept of “designing with code,” I adopt a holistic approach, blurring the lines between design and development. This allows for rapid, efficient prototyping and iterative design, facilitating direct implementation and real-time adjustments. My portfolio showcases projects where I’ve effectively integrated this, from enhancing user interfaces to building accessible, data-driven applications.

Team Collaboration and Skills Integration

Apart from building solo projects, I thrive in dynamic, multidisciplinary teams where my skills complement the work of UX designers and developers. My approach is collaborative and supportive, facilitating cross-functional teamwork that leads to solutions and successful project outcomes. I like to bridge gaps between functionality, aesthetics, and user experience.

Making an Impact

My work has enhanced user experiences and accessibility. Whether I’m consulting on major projects for fintech and government sectors or designing responsive solutions for retail, my efforts are aimed at leveraging technology to improve inclusivity.

Hire me for

  • UI Design Libraries.
  • High quality front-end code.
  • Refactor codebase to meet UX and Accessibility standards.
  • Upgrade design by immediate implementation.