Actiegroep Passend Onderwijs

Front-end UX UI Accessibility Team lead Project Management Design Content
Boze Ouders
2019 - current
October 2019 - April 2024
Location type:
Code stack:
HTML CSS SASS Javascript Typescript NPM Gulp
Visual Studio Code
Actiegroep Passend Onderwijs

Project info


"Actiegroep Boze Ouders" is an action group formed to demand better enforcement and oversight of the Dutch "Wet Passend Onderwijs" (Appropriate Education Act), particularly concerning the development of individual education plans (Ontwikkelingsperspectiefplan, OPP). In 2019, the group organised a significant event, where parents traveled in an iconic American yellow school bus to the "Inspectie van het Onderwijs" (Education Inspection) in Utrecht to present the results of a survey on the law's implementation.


The primary goal was to capture public and media attention to drive awareness and action regarding shortcomings in the enforcement of the Wet Passend Onderwijs. A secondary objective was to create a strong visual identity that symbolized unity and collective action among concerned parents.

The campaign for “Actiegroep Boze Ouders” successfully captured widespread attention, garnering media coverage across television, radio, newspapers, and social media platforms. This visibility significantly amplified the group’s message about the shortcomings of the “Wet Passend Onderwijs,” rallying hundreds of parents to join the movement on Facebook. Following the event, the initiative gained recognition in De Tweede Kamer, leading to consultations with the Minister of Education. These discussions have influenced policy changes, including the promise of additional inspectors, although the deployment of these inspectors remains unconfirmed. Despite ongoing challenges in educational policy, the group has become a key stakeholder in the dialogue about appropriate education in the Netherlands.

Case Studies

This list contains some of the cases I worked on, but are far from all.


Integrating Accessibility into the Boze Ouders Website. For the Boze Ouders website, I embarked on a project to merge robust accessibility standards with attractive visual design, ensuring that the site would be inclusive and appealing to all users. My goal was to create a platform that did not sacrifice aesthetic quality for functionality, particularly for those with disabilities.


Previously, I chose WordPress as the foundation for this project due to its flexibility and extensive support community. Starting with a standard WordPress theme, I extensively customised it to develop a unique Boze Ouders theme that catered specifically to our branding and functional requirements. This customisation process involved rewriting the HTML and CSS to enhance semantic structure and navigability, ensuring that all elements of the site were accessible according to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

To further personalise the site and add visual interest, I incorporated my own illustrative designs. These illustrations were carefully crafted not only to capture the site’s spirit but also to maintain accessibility. For instance, I ensured sufficient contrast ratios and provided text alternatives for all decorative and functional imagery to support screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Throughout the development process, I continuously tested the website with various accessibility tools and conducted user testing sessions, particularly with users who rely on assistive technologies. This approach helped identify and rectify potential accessibility barriers, thereby ensuring that the site remained usable and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their physical capabilities.


This project not only reinforced my commitment to creating accessible digital environments but also demonstrated how aesthetic design and accessibility can coexist seamlessly. The Boze Ouders website stands as a testament to the principle that design can be both beautiful and beneficial to all.


Click image for a larger view.

Screenshot of the 'Boze Ouders' website


“Actiegroep Boze Ouders” is an action group formed to demand better enforcement and oversight of the Dutch “Wet Passend Onderwijs” (Appropriate Education Act), particularly concerning the development of individual education plans (Ontwikkelingsperspectiefplan, OPP). In 2019, the group organized a significant event, where parents traveled in an iconic American yellow school bus to the “Inspectie van het Onderwijs” (Education Inspection) in Utrecht to present the results of a survey on the law’s implementation.


The primary goal was to capture public and media attention to drive awareness and action regarding shortcomings in the enforcement of the Wet Passend Onderwijs. A secondary objective was to create a strong visual identity that symbolized unity and collective action among concerned parents.


  • Logo and Visual Theme: Inspired by the concept of a “school of fish,” the logo features a small fish swimming against the tide, accompanied by its parents depicted as confused and angry. This imagery effectively communicated the frustration and defiance of the group.
  • Marketing Materials: Designed cohesive and impactful materials including logos, posters, and decoration for the event. The yellow school bus, a central element of the event, was prominently featured in all designs to strengthen the campaign’s visual identity.
  • Website: Developed a dedicated website to serve as a hub for information, updates, and engagement for the campaign. The site maintained the visual themes from other materials for brand consistency.


The event was carefully planned to maximize visibility and impact. The choice of the controversial name “Boze Ouders” (Angry Parents) was strategic, intended to provoke curiosity and media coverage. The visual campaign capitalised on the unique and recognisable imagery of the yellow school bus and rebellious fish to stand out in public and media landscapes.


  • Media Impact: The campaign successfully captured widespread attention across various platforms, including television news channels, radio programs, newspapers, and social media. This extensive media coverage significantly amplified the group’s message and objectives.
  • Community Engagement: The group’s Facebook page rapidly grew to over 1100 members, becoming a vital community for support and advocacy on issues related to appropriate education.
  • Political Recognition: The initiative garnered attention in De Tweede Kamer (the Dutch parliament) the day following the event, leading to an invitation from the Minister of Education to consult on the matter. The group’s efforts were acknowledged, influencing policy discussions and promises for additional inspections.
  • Long-Term Impact: Although the fundamental issues surrounding Passend Onderwijs remain, the group established itself as a key stakeholder in the ongoing dialogue about educational policy. The campaign’s design and execution played a crucial role in achieving these results.

The “Actiegroep Boze Ouders” campaign demonstrates the power of strategic design and branding in advocacy movements. By effectively using symbolic imagery and engaging marketing materials, the group not only highlighted significant policy failures but also mobilized a substantial community for change, proving that creative design can be a powerful tool in driving social and political advocacy.


Click image for a larger view.